Dog First Aid

on 03 December 2014


Earlier this year a colleague of mine invited me to attend one of her Dog First Aid courses that was being held locally.

Why is Dog First Aid important?

I’d never really thought about doing a course in Dog First Aid before – I don’t like the sight of blood and have a really good vet, but I soon realised that the knowledge I was gaining was extremely useful.


Dog First Aid courses are invaluable and are designed to equip people with the skills and information which enable them to assess a situation, administer appropriate care and stabilize a dog until a qualified veterinary professional can get to an emergency.  Some of the attendees have put their skills to use and saved dogs’ lives soon after gaining their qualification!

Dog First Aid Courses

The  three hour course I attended is designed for dog trainers, behaviourists, dog walkers, dog sitters, kennel owners and those involved in rescue, but anyone who loves dogs and wants to do the best for their beloved pet would gain from attending!  After all, just as with our children, our dogs always seem to feel sick, eat something they shouldn’t or have an injury in the middle of the night or on a Sunday!

Dog First Aid

So much was covered in the three hours including

  • Full body examination
  • CPR
  • Bleeding
  • Shock
  • Choking
  • Road Accidents
  • Burns & Scalds
  • Poisoning
  • Eye Injuries
  • Heat Stroke
  • Allergic reactions

and more!  I now also carry a small First Aid Kit with me every time I go out with my dogs.

The course was relaxed and friendly and I now feel confident that I know what to do in case of an emergency … before I would have just panicked!

As a bonus 10% of the proceeds of all courses is donated to a volunteer run dog rescue. 

If you’d like to attend one of the Dog First Aid courses take a look here for forthcoming events

Alternatively, if you'd be interested in attending a course in Kent send me a message and if enough people show an interest I'll arrange a course close to you!